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These works were a tribute to the various poetic odes of Chilean Poet, Pablo Neruda.

hombre y perro
Man and Dog
"Ode to the Dog"
27 X 24 X 71

oda al diccionario
Ode to the Dictionary
46 X 52 X 37

oda al tomate
Ode to the Tomato

oda au nas flores amarillas
Ode to Some Yellow Flowers
48 X 50 X 9

la rosa
The Rose
From "The Book of Questions"
76 X 54

el gato
The Cat
"Ode to a Cat"
21 X 15 X 72

mesa de las cosas
Table of Things
"Ode to the Table"
38 X 26.5 X 17

Herramienta para hacer algunas flores amarillas
Tools to Make Some Yellow Flowers
"Ode to a Woman Gardening"
17 X 17 X 63